Why InstaResolve?
A Big Problem, For All of Us
The backlog of personal injury cases is impacting injured parties, plaintiffs' counsel, insurance companies, defense attorneys, and judges. It takes months to get an MSC (Mandatory Settlement Conference) or private mediation, and the cost of mediation is extremely high -- wasting money for the injured parties and insurance companies alike. Traditional mediations also take significant amounts of time, most of which is spent waiting while the mediator speaks to others.
A Simple Solution
Most personal injury cases need a forum, an experienced mediator, communication with both sides at their convenience, and a proposed resolution -- all done confidentially, promptly, and inexpensively. InstaResolve provides all of this, and does so online, so it's more convenient and quicker!

Natasha Roit
Legal Analyst
35 Years of Experience
After litigating for 35 years and winning tens of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements as a solo practitioner, being named California Trial Lawyer of the Year (CLAY Award), and top 50 female attorneys in California, as well as receiving other distinguished honors, Natasha Roit decided it was time to give back.
Having many options as to how to contribute after retiring from the practice of law, Ms. Roit decided to lend her knowledge to the industry of which she has been a successful part for decades. She volunteers hundreds of hours to the ResolveLawLA program and conducts pro bono and inexpensive mediation to contribute her talents to resolving cases. InstaResolve is part of that passion.
"It is time to provide litigants, attorneys, and judges with an option -- an expedient, effective, and inexpensive way to mediate. I hope that InstaResolve becomes a natural and trusted partner of personal injury case resolution."
—Natasha Roit, Creator, InstaResolve.