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  • What do I do to get InstaResolve started on my case?
    Click on your type of case (Auto, Slip/Fall, or Other), fill out the Intake Form, pay $750.00, and we will get started.
  • What happens if the other side has not agreed to use InstaResolve?
    Provide as much contact information about the other side as possible in the Intake Form, and we will contact them.
  • Do both sides have to agree to use InstaResolve to receive the mediator’s proposal?
    Yes. That is how it works.
  • What if I accept the mediator’s proposal, and the other side does not?
    Both parties are notified that the case did not settle, but the other side is not told that you accepted.
  • What happens to the briefs and/or videos that I submit?
    They are kept confidential for InstaResolve purposes only, and destroyed within 30 days after we notify the parties that the case has settled or not settled.
  • Do you contact counsel to discuss the case before issuing the mediator’s proposal?
    Yes. After the Intake Forms are completed, we contact counsel to discuss the case before issuing a mediator’s proposal. Since the proposals are issued within 48 hours after both sides submit the case to InstaResolve, counsel are encouraged to make themselves available.
  • How soon will I know if the case has settled?
    As soon as we hear from both sides.
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